Refugee Crisis In Europe Again? Poland vs Belarus Border

Refugee Crisis In Europe Again? Poland vs Belarus Border
Europe: Imagine a country using thousands of poor, helpless people as weapons against another country. Something similar is happening in ...
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What If Nepotism Tax exists? How Inheritance Tax Works

What If Nepotism Tax exists? How Inheritance Tax Works
Inheritance Tax: It is often said that if you’re born into a rich family, if you have rich parents, then ...
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China Becomes Worlds Richest Country 

China Becomes Worlds Richest Country 
China has become the richest country in the world. You heard that right. According to a report, China has overtaken ...
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The Secret Business Model Of Tesla, How Tesla Earns Money? 

The Secret Business Model Of Tesla, How Tesla Earns Money? 
Tesla is the most valuable car company in the world now. Its market capitalization has crossed $1 trillion. It is ...
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Brain Drain : Indian CEOs Of American Companies

Brain Drain : Indian CEOs Of American Companies
Brain Drain: Some days ago, Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey said that he’s resigning from his position. And the new CEO ...
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CDS Bipin Rawat Helicopter Crash ! The Real Reason

CDS Bipin Rawat Helicopter Crash ! The Real Reason
Bipin Rawat: On 8th December, in a very tragic incident, a military helicopter crashed near Coonoor, Tamil Nadu. Because of ...
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North Korea Bans Laughing! 

North Korea Bans Laughing!
Can you imagine? Laughing has now been banned in North Korea. It doesn’t seem believable. That even in this time ...
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How English Became World’s Most Powerful Language?  

How English Became World's Most Powerful Language? 
Have you ever wondered why English is such a popular language? Why are you expected to know English if you ...
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Ukraine vs Russia Crisis ! Danger Of WW3?

Ukraine vs Russia Crisis ! Danger Of WW3?
Ukraine vs Russia Crisis: For the past few weeks, it is being reported that a war may break out between ...
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Marriage Age For Women : At 21yrs Good Or Bad? 

Marriage Age For Women : At 21yrs Good Or Bad? 
Recently, the Cabinet passed a proposal, to increase the minimum age of marriage for women from 18 to 21 years ...
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