Bhopal Gas Tragedy : Who was Responsible?

Bhopal Gas Tragedy : Who was Responsible?
Bhopal Gas: In December 1984, at an insecticide manufacturing factory in Bhopal, some workers were at work. It was nearly ...
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James Webb Space Telescope : Can It Time Travel? 

James Webb Space Telescope : Can It Time Travel? 
The biggest and the most powerful space telescope in the world, was launched by NASA. It’s named the James Webb ...
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How Metaverse Works? Secrets Of Metaverse 

How Metaverse Works? Secrets Of Metaverse 
Metaverse: Imagine you meet with your family members or your friends, but not really, rather in a virtual 3D world. ...
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World’s First Flying Car Invented In Slovakia!

World’s First Flying Car Invented In Slovakia!
World’s First Flying Car: About 60 or 70 years ago, when people were asked to imagine how the year 2020 ...
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How Jeff Bezos Made Amazon A $1.6 Trillion company? Business Model Of Amazon

How Jeff Bezos Made Amazon A $1.6 Trillion company? Business Model Of Amazon
In the year 1994, Jeff Bezos left his cushy investment banking job, to work on his startup. Internet was blowing ...
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Why People become Criminals? The Problem Of Liberty 

Why People become Criminals? The Problem Of Liberty 
The Problem Of Liberty: Imagine that on Independence Day, you are in your car and going somewhere. And you come ...
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How Amul Saved India? The Untold Story Of White Revolution

How Amul Saved India? The Untold Story Of White Revolution
Amul: You would have seen such videos on the news. Farmers dumping their tomatoes on the road. This was from ...
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ISRO vs NASA : The History And Future Of Space Race

ISRO vs NASA : The History And Future Of Space Race
ISRO vs NASA : In 1947, just 2 years after the end of World War II, tensions were increasing between ...
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Japan Earthquake, Tsunami And Plane Crash

Japan Earthquake, Tsunami And Plane Crash
On 1st January 2024, when the world was celebrating the beginning of a new year, Japan was hit by a ...
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The Bhopal Gas Leak, Who Were Railway Men?

The Bhopal Gas Leak, Who Were Railway Men?
On the night of December 3, 1984, at approximately midnight In Bhopal’s train station Bhopal Junction the station superintendent H.S. ...
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