Brown Bread Vs White Bread : The Dark Reality Of Bread, Maida And Roti

The first ingredient on the list is refined wheat flour – 53%. As we told you, refined flour is made by taking off the bran from the wheat grains. The thing is, the fibre in the bran, helps in keeping the blood sugar stable. Without the bran, the carbohydrates in the wheat is released quickly into your blood-stream in the form of sugar. This results in a sugar spike. An Insulin spike. It’s inconsequential if it happens once or twice.

But if you keep on eating refined flour regularly for years, your body will develop insulin resistance which can eventually lead to Type II Diabetes. But there’s a negative effect in the short term too. Refined flour increased the level of bad cholesterol in the body. One starts craving more food. And it leads to mood swings as well.

The second ingredient is sugar. Sugar refers to the extra-added sugar not the ones naturally present in food items. Our body doesn’t need any added sugar. The more added sugar you can avoid the better it is for you. By comparison, the natural sugar that you get in fruits, milk, grain, that is healthy for you.