Brown Bread Vs White Bread : The Dark Reality Of Bread, Maida And Roti

The next ingredients are salt and emulsifier e-481. Salt contains sodium. And this emulsifier contains even more sodium. If you consume sodium in excess amounts, you can get high blood pressure. But when does sodium become too much? In the bread’s nutritional information you’ll see 100g of bread contains 497mg of sodium. Normally, people eat 4 or 5 slices of bread at a time. The slices weigh around 200g. If you use 30g butter with the bread, it adds another 250mg of sodium. This, is half of your daily requirement.

If you do not exceed the daily requirement, it is safe. You should be paying attention to it. If you have 4-5 buttered slices of bread, it meets half the daily requirement of sodium. Research shows us that in America, the top contributor to dietary sodium is bread. If you consume so much bread, you need to pay attention to the salt in the rest of your meal.

The next ingredient on the list is the Class II Preservative E282 this is Calcium Propionate. In a study published in June 2019, International Journal of Molecular Epidemiology and Genetics showed that this chemical can specifically cause allergies, intolerances, skin rashes, and migraine headaches. Before this, another study was conducted in August 2002, published in the Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health. It showed that if children consume the chemical daily, they show irritability they’ll feel more irritated, they get restless, and it affects their attention span as well.