Brown Bread Vs White Bread : The Dark Reality Of Bread, Maida And Roti

The companies defend themselves by saying that they never claimed brown bread would be 100% whole wheat bread. The most astounding thing they do is that they add artificial color to the bread to make it appear more brown. These are the color types of caramel. Caramel is the same substance that’s added to several cold drinks as well. To get the brown colour of the cold drinks. Several caramel colorings produce cancerous substances. A petition was filed before the US FDA, to ban two types of caramel colorings.

After this, the company advertises its bread as Whole Wheat Bread. Refined flour is not included in the ingredient list. It is shown to contain 52% wheat flour. But what does this 52% mean? What makes the remaining 48%? They provide no explanations. And you can spot the rest of the chemicals here as well.

It is true that these artificial colors, preservatives, these can be found in many food items. But what is healthy food? It isn’t very difficult to understand this. There are so many healthy choices available. For breakfast, you can have Daliya, for example, it’s made of whole grains. You can cook it in milk. Or you can have oats, you can add milk to the oats, it too is made of whole grains, healthy grains. You can have oats with vegetables, or Bajra’s Khichdi with Curd. You can have fruits for breakfast. Nuts like almond, peanut, walnut, and cashew nuts. Sprouts is also a wonderful option. You can have traditional idli sambar, it is a highly nutritious breakfast.