Brown Bread Vs White Bread : The Dark Reality Of Bread, Maida And Roti

And then, the industrial revolution happened. A wholesome, homemade food like bread, turned into an industry. The commercialization began with yeast. People didn’t want to rely on wild yeast to bake their breads. They wanted to trap the yeast somehow. So that it could be used at will. And so the pressed yeast was introduced. It was sold in the form of solid cubes. Some bakers in Vienna were credited with making the first pressed yeast in 1867.

Today, we refer to it as Baker’s Yeast. And you can buy a packet of it. And then, someone wondered why was the yeast needed. We used it to release a gas that helped the dough rise and the bread expand. They decided to use something else to do the same. This is where Sodium Bicarbonate came into the picture. Also known as Baking Soda. Baking Soda reacts with the acid releasing Carbon Dioxide that helps in expanding the bread. But where does this acid come from?

Back then, people introduced the acid in the dough by using milk, buttermilk, or even a few drops of lemon juice. After this, someone combined the baking soda with the acid and sold it. In a moisture-free packet that could contain the baking soda and the acidic substance. As soon as it is added to water, it starts reacting. This idea worked well. This is the baking powder. Baking powder contains baking soda with something acidic.