CDS Bipin Rawat Helicopter Crash ! The Real Reason

What were the reasons behind it? It took only a few hours for conspiracy theories to pop up on social media. Was China involved in it? Was it Pakistan’s fault? The more shocking and unexpected an event is, it leaves that much more scope for conspiracy theories to be formed. Because people demand an explanation. And if there’s no clear cut explanation, and the event is this impactful, people try to fill the gaps on their own.

As it happened in the USA with 9/11. So many conspiracy theories on 9/11. The flight took off from Sulur and going to Wellington. The distance was less than 100 km. It takes about half an hour to cover this distance. 20 minutes after the take-off, and 7 minutes before the scheduled landing, the helicopter crashed.

According to the Air Chief Marshal, it is very difficult to determine what went wrong actually. In the short duration of the flight. The first theory to come out was that perhaps the helicopter was substandard. That the helicopter wasn’t of good quality. Or that it was an old helicopter. Because of these, the accident may have taken place. This was actually an MI 17 V5 military helicopter made in Russia.

Even though we have seen some cases of MI 17 crashing in the past, but overall, it is a very modern helicopter. It is used for transporting personnel, cargo and equipment. It can fly at high altitudes. It can fly in complex weather conditions. And overall, it is considered to be a very advanced and safe helicopter. This is why our country’s Prime Minister as well as the President use this helicopter for travelling.

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