Chicken Or Egg: What Came First?

Chicken Come First Or Eggs?

It is not so difficult to get to the answer if you understand the stages of evolution. It’s very simple. Chicken evolved from wild red jungle fowl. This wild red jungle fowl must have evolved from another animal. Let’s call that animal a proto-chicken. The ancestors of the chicken. So, there must have been a point in time when two proto-chickens mated. During reproduction, there must have been genetic mutations. And due to this, an egg was formed from which the first true red jungle fowl was born. And in the same way, the first chicken must have been born too.

The combination of two proto-chickens’ DNA created the first true chicken DNA. This evolution process occurs only during reproduction. It is only after this that the true chicken would have laid more eggs giving birth to more chickens. So the answer to this question is very clear. The egg came first. And this egg was not laid by a chicken. But it was given by an ancestor species of a chicken, which was almost like a chicken. When can an animal species be called a chicken and when should it not be called a chicken?

There is a big grey area here. This line that has been drawn, it has been drawn by humans. The real differences, must have emerged after many generations. We want to say that it’s not like there was a day in history when the first chicken was born. As if, on 3rd December, 1500 BC, two jungle fowls mated and laid an egg and that egg contained the first chicken. Evolution is not like that. This process is gradual, stage by stage, generation by generation.