Chicken Or Egg: What Came First?

Overall, eggs are a highly nutritious food. It has a lot of protein. Vitamin B12, B2, B5, Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Selenium, Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Zinc, Manganese, Vitamin E, Antioxidants. It’s full of a lot of nutrients. This was a good food source to fight malnutrition.

Now, some eggs are brown and some are white. And people think that brown eggs are healthier than white eggs because brown bread is healthier than white bread. But actually, this is not the case with eggs. The difference between white and brown is due to the breed of the chicken. The breed of the chicken laying the egg.

And nutritionally, both brown and white eggs are very similar to each other. Another interesting thing to know here is that today, chickens lay around 200-300 eggs in a year. But their ancestors, the Red Jungle Fowl, only laid around 10-15 eggs in a year. How did this happen? What was the force of evolution that made chickens evolve in a way that they lay more eggs?