Chicken Or Egg: What Came First?

Had you eaten a banana from a banana plant 7,000 years ago firstly, it would’ve been smaller. Secondly, once you peeled the banana to eat it you would have seen many black seeds in it. There were so many seeds in a banana that it would’ve been difficult to eat it. Like a present-day pomegranate. In this photo, you can see, what bananas looked like back then.

When humans started the artificial breeding of bananas, they chose the fruits with fewer seeds. After repeatedly choosing it, these seeds have now gone extinct after thousands of years. And we can eat these big yellow bananas which have no seeds. If you think about it, artificial breeding must have been natural initially. If you see an apple tree, and you see an apple that is the biggest, reddest and juiciest of all, and you get a chance to grow an apple tree in your garden.

Obviously, you will choose the seed of the fruit to grow the new tree the fruit which was the biggest, juiciest, and reddest. On the other hand, some people argue that this entire thing is unnatural. Since humans started farming, agriculture was unnatural in itself. 12,000 years ago, the time when agriculture began. Before that, humans lived a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Living in the jungle, killing small animals, or eating fruits from trees.