Cloud Seeding : The Secret To China & Dubai’s Rain

Some airports around the world do use this to control the fog. Bulgaria is a good example of this. The National Network of Hail Protection was formed in Bulgaria. They strategically planted rockets of silver iodide around the farms. When it is expected to hail, they use the rockets to control it. It takes only 10 minutes to do this. This strategy proved to be very effective.

And the data collected since the 1960s has proved that the heavy losses in the agriculture sector were avoided due to this technology. Russia tried a very interesting method of cloud seeding. In 2008, they tried to seed clouds using cement bags. Literally using cement. But what happened was, on 17th June 2008, a bag of cement which was thrown at the clouds, didn’t melt in the clouds rather, it fell on a house. And a 3 feet deep pit formed in a man’s house.

Now, every technology has its pros and cons. It is not possible that there is a miraculous technology like cloud seeding with no harm to it. The biggest obvious concern that is raised about cloud seeding is the long-term impact it will have on our weather. Will it have any harmful impact?