Cloud Seeding : The Secret To China & Dubai’s Rain

In recent times, new technologies are also emerging for cloud seeding. Such as the recent technology of Cloud Zapping. In this method, drones fly into the sky and give an electric current to the clouds. It has been found that with the help of this electric charge, the small droplets merge together more easily to form big droplets. So, if we provide electric currents to the clouds, they will rain faster. This method is currently being tested in countries like the UAE.

In some places, it has been suggested that cloud seeding and cloud zapping technology should be used together. Using silver iodide as well as providing electric currents so that clouds can rain faster. This will improve the efficiency of the process. There is only one major example throughout history where cloud seeding technology was used for the wrong purposes.

During the Vietnam War in the 1970s. American Air Force launched Operation Popeye which was carried out from 1967 to 1972. It was a highly classified program whose aim was to extend the monsoon season in some areas of Vietnam. It affected the military supplies of North Vietnam. Due to heavy rains, the roads would not be traversable. The soil would be soft with an increased chance of landslides. It would have a bad effect on the Vietnamese military.

The motto of the American Air Force was Make Mud, Not War. They used silver iodide for cloud seeding to bring heavy rains in Vietnam. This is said to be the first and only case of meteorological warfare.