Cloud Seeding : The Secret To China & Dubai’s Rain

Thankfully, no other country has misused this technology since then. But there are some conspiracy theories making rounds among people relating to this technology. In 2021, there was snowfall in Texas, USA, an extremely rare phenomenon. Many conspiracy theorists said that the government is manipulating the weather for selfish reasons. They are deliberately making it snow in Texas. They also blamed the billionaire Bill Gates for this. For making it snow.

Later, the same conspiracy theorists blamed the government for the drought in California saying that it too was because of the government’s weather manipulation. All these claims tie into a big conspiracy theory the Chemtrail Conspiracy Theory. The idea behind this theory is that all aircraft contain chemicals that can modify the weather, can psychologically manipulate people and can control the human population. Obviously, these claims have been repeatedly proven false by scientists. There is no such thing.

Strategically, it can definitely be used in some places. Such as preventing rain in the opening ceremony of the Olympics. Avoiding rain at a cricket match, it is useful. Or if you have millions of rupees to stop the rain for your wedding, you can use this technology. Overall, for major events, to fight droughts, and to fight climate change, this technology will probably remain useless.

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