Cloud Seeding : The Secret To China & Dubai’s Rain

This process continues until the ice crystals become so big that they start falling on the ground due to their weight. And when this happens, the ice crystals fall on the ground. While falling down, if the temperature of the air is cold, then they will fall like snow, that’s a snowfall. If the air near the ground is warm, the ice crystals will melt and fall like rain droplets. This is how it rains.

Now, if we talk about Cloud Seeding, then in the history of humans, this technology has been introduced by chance, due to an accident. For such accidents, there’s a word in English, Serendipity. It means, by chance, something happens that ends up benefitting us. Cloud Seeding was also a serendipitous discovery.

In 1943, Dr Vincent Shaefer was an American chemist and meteorologist. He was researching aircraft icing and precipitation. In 1946, he used a cold box for his research. A box that was very cold. While testing something else, during his experiments, he often breathed out in this cold box. As you know, when we breathe out of our mouth it contains water vapour, and if it’s cold outside, it will condense.