Cloud Seeding : The Secret To China & Dubai’s Rain

An alternative to this was to shoot up rockets from the ground which contained cloud seeds so that they could collide with the clouds and scatter the seeds. As soon as the people and governments of the world came to know about this invention, everyone started looking for ways they could use this cloud-seeding technology for their own benefit.

In November 1955, the king of Thailand launched the Thailand Royal Rainmaking Project. He was among the first few people to realize that we can use this technology to counter the effects of drought. In Thailand, farmers were often suffering due to droughts. This method suggested by the king was somewhat successful.

Today, this program is run by the Department of Royal Rainmaking and Agriculture Aviation in Thailand. Later, in 2001, the Eureka Organization awarded the king of Thailand for this. In Indian context, cloud seeding operations were conducted in India in 1983, 1984-1987, and by the Tamil Nadu government during 1993-94.

When Tamil Nadu was faced with a severe drought situation. The Karnataka government initiated cloud seeding in 2003-04. And in Maharashtra, a US company, Weather Modification Inc. conducted operations the same year.