Dark Reality Of Cold Drinks!

Myths About The Cold Drinks

Let’s talk about the myths. Because this isn’t aimed to scare you with lies. We want to tell you what you are drinking. One of the biggest myths about soft drinks is that it is called as ‘toilet cleaner’ by the critics. Can Pepsi and Coca-Cola be compared to toilet cleaners? The direct answer to it is, NO.

People use this comparison often because toilet cleaners contain certain acids, and cold drinks contain certain acids too. The acids in cold drinks are citric acids, and phosphoric acids.

Citric acid can be found naturally. You get citric acid in lemons and oranges as well. On the other hand, Phosphoric acid is a common “Food Grade Additive”. It is assigned the number E338. Whenever there’s high sugar content, molds and bacteria can easily grow there.

Phosphoric acid prevents the growth of that bacteria. Not only will you find the phosphoric acid in soft drinks, but also in jams, processed meat, cereal bars, bottle coffee beverages, baking powder, protein drinks, and in fact in cheeses also.