Dark Reality Of Cold Drinks!

Interestingly, these two acids are also found in several toilet cleaners as well. Oftentimes, in the homemade toilet cleaners, lemon juice is added to vinegar and baking soda. Even so, comparing soft drinks and toilet cleaners to each other, will be wrong.

Because as you would have studied Chemistry at school, that there are some mild acids, the dilute acids. And there are concentrated acids, they are stronger. Without going into too many details, Phosphoric acid is a weak acid, and toilet cleaners have stronger chemicals. Such as Sodium Hypochlorite. And Hydrochloric Acid. These are used to clean strong stains.

Hydrochloric acid is in our stomachs too. It is one of the main components of gastric acid. Now, you won’t compare our stomachs to toilet cleaners, will you? Because chemistry is complex. On the basis of a common constituent, you cannot derive such conclusions.