Dark Reality Of Cold Drinks!

How much of it can our body tolerate? What level of added sugar is safe for our bodies? Friends, the recommended limit of it, for an adult man, it is 36 grams in a day, and for an adult woman, 25 grams of added sugar in a day. In this 600 ml bottle of Mirinda, there are 82.8 grams of added sugar. With one bottle, you will surpass your daily recommended intake. That’s why we’re saying, to consume such huge quantity of added sugar daily is enough to make you extremely sick.

It wouldn’t happen instantly. If you do so 1 or 2 days, there won’t be major consequences, but if you continue doing so every day for years on end, due to this added sugar alone, you will later start getting pain in the joints, suffer undue skin ageing, liver damage, Type 2 diabetes, a pancreatic breakdown, kidney failure. The risk of heart attack increases manifold, And finally, obesity.

We mentioned this at the last, because when most people think about sugars, they shrug it off as being a bit overweight. But the rest of the diseases, very few people know about them, these occur because of excessive sugar.