Dark Reality Of Cold Drinks!

The most dangerous thing about sugar is that you can get addicted to it in the same way as people get addicted to drugs. In a 2017 study, sugar addiction was compared to cocaine addiction, that’s why when you see the people around you people who drink soft drinks, drink them quite regularly. You’ll find very few people who say that they drink soft drinks once in 3-4 months.

People addicted to sugar they’ll either drink soft drinks regularly, or if they aren’t drinking soft drinks regularly, they’ll eat candies, chocolates, sweets, ice creams, things that have high sugar content. With a large amount of added sugar, they will regularly consume these things.

Other countries are discussing sugar overdose for a while now. That’s why in 1964, PepsiCo launched diet Pepsi. And in 1982, Coca-Cola launched Diet Coke. In both versions of the diet soft drinks, there are 0 calories and 0 added sugar. Does it mean that they’re safe to drink?