Exploring A Second Earth: Hunting For Alien Life

But the same photo was taken by the MIRI Cam as well. And the same thing, looks like this on MIRI Cam. The dust clouds which were visible, don’t show up much on the MIRI Cam, because the wavelength capture by MIRI Cam is longer. So it is easy for it to pass through objects. Enabling us to look through the clouds.

You might ask now what is the thing in the photo. What are we looking at? Friends, the answer to it is we are seeing the death of a star. We can see the star dying. There are two stars in this photo, orbiting around each other, The brighter star of the two, is at the early stages of its life, and the dimmed star, is dying.

While dying, over the last thousands of years, this star has been releasing clouds of gases and dust. The cloud of the gases and dust, is known as the Planetary Nebula. And because the two stars are orbiting each other, the cloud keeps getting swished around. Similar to how you mix sugar into the water. Because of the gravitational pull of both stars, this is the shape of the cloud.

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