Hiroshima And Nagasaki : Why USA Destroyed Japan?

6th August 1945, summer was in full force in Japan’s Hiroshima city. It was a pleasant day, the sky was blue and the sun was shining. A typical Monday morning. At 8 AM, people were arriving at their offices, children were at school, in their first period of the day. Meanwhile, some people spotted an American Boeing B-29 aircraft in the sky. At 8:15 AM, something fell out of the aircraft.

From a distance, people couldn’t figure out what it was. The thing falling out of the aircraft. Not even in their dreams could they have imagined that it was an atomic bomb. 43 Seconds, It was in freefall for exactly 43 seconds. After that, in the blink of an eye, it was all over.

Thousands of people in the city saw a blinding light in the last seconds of their life. The bomb blast created an instant fireball. As if the sun descended on Earth. The temperatures reached 4,000°C. In the blink of an eye, 80,000 people were killed. This will lead you to the impertinent question Why was the bomb dropped? Let’s understand the story of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

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