Hiroshima And Nagasaki : Why USA Destroyed Japan?

Our story began during the second world war. This war broke out in 1939, when Hitler invaded Poland. One by one, other countries were roped into this war. WWII was being fought between two major alliances. With the Nazi Germany, Italy and Japan on one side, known as the Axis Powers, And the Great Britain, the Soviet Union and the United States on the other side. Known as the Allied Powers or the Allies. Countries like France and China were also part of the Allies.

But initially, America was trying its best to stay out of the War. After the devastating results of WWI, America had decided that it wouldn’t interfere in conflicts in Europe and Asia. To stay out of it. But in 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbour, forcing the US to join this war.

It is important to understand things from Japan’s context. Whenever World War II is discussed, we focus mostly on Germany and Hitler. We don’t talk about Japan. The thing is, during the early 1900s, Imperialism was seen in Japan. Similar to how Britain, France, and other European countries were annexing other countries, colonizing them, Japan was doing the same.

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