How Metaverse Works? Secrets Of Metaverse 

What Is Metaverse

The word Metaverse is made up of two words. Meta + Verse. The word Meta is derived from Greek, it is a prefix that basically means ‘Beyond.’ And the Verse comes from the word ‘Universe.’ We live in this Universe and it will be the Metaverse that will be beyond this universe.

This word is basically used to refer to an artificial world. You might recall another word related to this, the Multiverse. The one talked about in the latest Spiderman film. Multiverse is the concept where there are multiple existing universes, It is something that is even scientifically discussed. Some people believe that there isn’t only one universe, rather there are multiple universes, thus the Multiverse.

But anyway, Metaverse means an artificially created universe. The Internet can also be said to be a distinct universe but when you go on the Internet, it is mostly limited to 2 Dimensions only. Whether you’re using your phone or your computer, these are 2-dimensional screens. But when Metaverse is talked about, Metaverse would be a world where you can be completely in it. In 3 Dimensions.

Like when you watch a film, you wouldn’t be watching the film merely as a viewer, you would experience being in the film. For example, you’re watching the Dandi March happening, you wouldn’t just see the photo of it, or the video of the Dandi March, rather it would be as if you’re sitting in a boat nearby and actually watching the Dandi March as it is happening.

Or when you watch a cricket match on the television, it is in 2 dimensions, but technically, if we use virtual reality, then you would get a 360° experience of watching the cricket match around you. It will try to create an experience that would make you feel as if you’re actually at the match. The word Metaverse was first used in the year 1992. In the science fiction book Snow Crash. Written by Neal Stephenson.

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