How Metaverse Works? Secrets Of Metaverse 

Technologies Of Metaverse

Because the more you spend time in the Metaverse, the more data they would be able to collect on you. More they earn. The cons and dangers of it. First, let’s see how the Metaverse is created. Various technologies are used here, to actually create the Metaverse. The first is Virtual Reality.

This technology already exists today. But to use this, you have to wear these heavy headsets. And if you have them on for more than half an hour, they start causing headaches, and motion sickness. As claimed by many users. On top of it, the things that you can see in virtual reality now, the level of technology that we have today, is quite poor.

The quality of animation that you see in the virtual reality games, Although it is something that would definitely improve with time. It is also being hoped that these heavy headsets with the new technologies, they would keep getting smaller and slimmer, and eventually, they’d be the size of normal glasses. Where it wearing it and taking it off would be as easy as wearing and taking off a pair of glasses. Whether this would be actually possible, time will tell.

The second technology is AR. Augmented Reality. It would mean that some artificial elements mixed with our real world. It wouldn’t be a complete Virtual Reality. An excellent example of it is the Pokémon Go smartphone game. On it, you can use the smartphone to look at the real world around you, but when you look at it through the smartphone, you can see the artificial Pokémons in there. It seems like they are mixed in the real world around you. Another good example of it is, the Google Glass that was released once upon a time. Remember?

A product that was released and taken back without people finding out about it. But Google Glass had a huge hype around 2013-14, glasses with which you could add virtual elements in the real world. When you look at the road in front of you, you can have a map at the corner of the glasses, You could take to someone through the camera, while looking in front of you, even while walking, this feature was heavily criticised.

In fact, this was mocked so much that eventually, the Google Glass was a huge flop. Apart from this, having 5G technology in the Metaverse is also talked about. If we’re to create a huge virtual world, we’d need to constantly upload and download a huge amount of data, for this, we’d need extremely high internet speeds, we’d need 5G. Additionally, Blockchains and cryptocurrencies are also mentioned, when talking about the Metaverse. When money would be spent to buy anything in the Metaverse, they can’t be real money, of course, because everything is digital, so there would be a need for digital currency.

This is where Cryptocurrencies come into play. And because there’s a large number of transactions constantly, they’d need to be kept secure. There would be a threat of hackers, or the threat of data breaches too, To keep these secure, Blockchains might be used. The exact manner in which Blockchains keep the data secure. Apart from it, if you want to buy land in the Metaverse, or some other property, or any asset in the Metaverse, how should that be accomplished?

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