How The World’s Most Dangerous Sport Works?

Some other examples of such technology are Using Hybrid Powertrains and Wheel Buttons. The rules of the competition force the companies to innovate even the tiniest aspect. So that the cars can be as fast as possible. The current world record for the fastest speed is 372.5 km/hr. This happened during a race in Mexico in 2016.

This speed record is held by Valtteri Bottas. But other than in an actual race, The full potential of an F1 car was seen in 2005, When Honda’s team achieved 397.7 km/hr. This was for the purpose of the record test. This test was conducted in a very special place, Bonneville Salt Flats. A dry lake bed where for kilometres around there’s only a plain field.

But normally, the speed of the F1 cars is so high that It is faster than the takeoff speed of an airplane. When a large airplane takes off, Its speed is around 250 km/hr. Do you know what this means? Had there been wings on these cars, These cars would’ve flown. Even without wings, they could easily take off. This is the reason for the peculiar shape at the back of the cars.

These are ‘wings’ to counter the wings that planes have. In school, you would’ve studied that the shape of the wings of an airplane Aims to create a lift. High pressure and low pressure on either side Allowing the plane to take off.

In the F1 cars, it’s the opposite. It creates a negative lift. So that the cars can be pushed onto the track. The downforce produced is equal to 5G. A force of 5 times the weight of the car Pushes it downwards. This provides traction to the tires enabling them to execute sharp turns.