How The World’s Most Dangerous Sport Works?

Obviously, the first is providing helmets by the companies compulsorily. These are stronger than normal helmets They have carbon-fibre head and neck support. So that the vertebrate of a driver can be protected in case of any crash. Additionally, the suit that the drivers wear. Is made of multi-layered fireproof material. In case the car catches fire in an accident, At least their clothes won’t catch fire.

Drivers are equipped with biometric gloves. The gloves are fitted with sensors that constantly measure and transmit vitals such as heartbeats to medical staff. The seatbelts in the car are so tight that The help of another person is required To fasten the seatbelt.

There are fire extinguishers in the cars too but the most groundbreaking innovation in terms of safety was in 2018, when this Halo was introduced. Halo is basically a steel bar, that is placed above the head in these cars. It is made of Grade 5 Titanium. Its purpose is to protect the driver’s head in case the car is upturned.

When this was introduced in 2018, this angered several people, they were infuriated because the cars wouldn’t have an open cockpit anymore. They claimed that it looked ugly and was an unnecessary addition. But since then, it has been 4-5 years, this innovation has saved the lives of many drivers. The Halo is the strongest part of an F1 car. It is strong enough to sustain the weight of 2 African elephants on top of it. So yeah, such safety innovations took place in recent times, to make the sport safer.