Refugee Crisis In Europe Again? Poland vs Belarus Border

Refugees As Weapons

In this situation, Belarus’ dictator wondered what could be done to take revenge from the European Union. What is the European Union’s weak point? There was a refugee crisis in 2015 when refugees came to Europe in large numbers and it became quite difficult for the European countries to deal with it. Belarus latched on to this weak point.

This is the reason why Belarus openly encouraged refugees to come into their country and then dumped them at the border. The forest area around the border, have temperatures around -5°C to -7°C nowadays. The Belarusian government did nothing to help these refugees. Neither did they feed them nor gave them any shelter. They just left them in the freezing cold. And obviously, what other outcome could this situation have? Some people died because of the cold. Around 10 people have lost their lives.

In this cold, while waiting at the border. Some people could see only one way to survive. To fight with the border police and to cross the border at any cost. And so we got to see such scenes.

There helpless people that left their conflict-ridden countries to save their lives and now trapped here. Between the conflict of two countries. Lukashenko claims that the European Union is violating human rights here, by not permitting the entry of these people. That it violates the International Rules of Asylum. On the other hand, in the United Nations Security Council, several countries claim that it is a type of hybrid warfare that’s being used against Europe. But Belarus doesn’t intend to stop here.

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