Refugee Crisis In Europe Again? Poland vs Belarus Border

Cutting Gas Supplies

Belarus’s dictator has issued the next threat. That they would switch off the gas pipelines. Actually, a large portion of the gas being used in Europe, comes from Russia. And that gas is transferred from Russia to Europe through pipelines. And these pipelines go through Belarus.

And now, Belarus is threatening to break these pipelines or to turn them off so that the gas can’t be supplied. It would have a large economic impact on Europe. Because the gas prices in Europe are already at a high due to multiple other reasons.

Russia’s Involvement

In this entire situation, Poland has blamed Russia as well. Because while the European Union is trying to economically isolate Belarus, Russia has become Belarus’s biggest and the most important political and economic partner. Although Russia denies playing any role in the issue. But the Kremlin spokesperson has challenged the European Union to provide financial assistance to Belarus so that it could deal with the situation.

What can happen in the situation next? One, Europe may withdraw its economic sanctions. So that Belarus stops responding like this. And this situation could be resolved. But doing so would mean indirectly supporting the dictatorship in Belarus.

On the other hand, there’s also the option to strengthen the economic sanctions imposed by Europe. The European Commission is now discussing blacklisting the airlines carrying flights from the refugee hotspot countries to Belarus blacklisting those airlines from Europe.

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