India Makes History! Chandrayaan 3 Lunar Landing

On 22nd October 2008, the Chandrayaan-1 mission was launched by India. This spacecraft reached the Moon and found something that was a headline all over the world. Water on the Moon. For the first time, Chandrayaan-1 brought strong evidence that there is water on the Moon. Specifically speaking, it is present in the South Pole Area of the Moon.

After this news, in countries all over the world, the craze to explore the Moon renewed. Missions are sent regularly by the USA and China to the Moon. Israel tried to do a soft landing on the Moon. Besides this, many lunar missions were planned by Japan, Europe, and Russia.

But today, the world is watching India’s Chandrayaan-3 mission. Which new discovery will be made by Chandrayaan-3? And why did “Chandrayaan-2 mission fail”?

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