India Makes History! Chandrayaan 3 Lunar Landing

Moon Missions

Moon Missions the missions that are sent to the Moon, can be of 5-6 different types. In the 1950s, humans started sending missions to the moon. And since then, as technology has improved, the complexity of these missions has also increased.

1. Fly-By Mission

The first and the simplest type of mission is a fly-by mission. In this, a spacecraft is sent to the space, which passes by the Moon. It doesn’t orbit around the moon, but merely flies by the moon and leaves.

The first successful fly-by mission was launched by the Soviet Union in January 1959, when their spacecraft Luna-1 passed by the moon. Two months after this, America launched its first successful fly-by mission in March 1959, which was called Pioneer-4. Their aim was to study the Moon from a distance.

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