Is Taj Mahal A Temple?

Raja Jai Singh had friendly relations with Shah Jahan. We get to know that Raja Jai Singh used to live in the area where the Taj Mahal is built. That place has been referred to in multiple sources as ‘Haveli’, ‘Khana’, and ‘Manzil’. Different sources use different words. But these words were used to mean home. Small or big, Raja Jai Singh’s home was there.

Raja Jai Singh actually wanted to donate his land for free, to build the tomb for the Emperess. Historian Ira Mukhtoy tells us, that this is because the royals of Jaipur, had close relations to the Mughals after Akbar’s marriage to Amer’s Harka Bai. Bollywood films will have us believe that Akbar’s wife’s name was Jodha Bai.

Jodha Bai literally means a Lady from Jodhpur. But it was Jahangir, who had married the daughter of Jodhpur’s ruler, Raja Uday Singh. His daughter was Jagat Gosain. She was Shah Jahan’s mother.