Is Taj Mahal A Temple?

Who Spread The Lies?

That Raja Jai Singh had a temple there which was then forcefully taken away by Shah Jahan? The existence of Tejo Mahalaya, a Shiv Temple, is not supported by any evidence. But the lies must have come from somewhere. That are now being repeated everywhere. The answer to this, friends, is one person, Purushottam Nagesh Oak, also known as ‘P.N. Oak’.

He was the person who came up with the claim of Tejo Mahalaya. Interestingly, he was not a historian. He was a history enthusiast, and enjoyed writing history as well. But he wasn’t a historian because he made up his version of history. He rewrote history.

Friends, the methodology of historians is extensive and tiring. A historian has to look through old newspapers and magazines, diary entries, letters, painting, historical accounts of court historians, accounts of contemporary historians, accounts of travellers, carbon dating, and then they have to analyse them to understand what would have happened back then.

After they’ve understood it, they have to write it down, and create an account by citing the various sources they’ve relied on. Then their writing is peer-reviewed, by other historians, to check how accurate the account written by the historian.