Is Taj Mahal A Temple?

The historians refuted this by saying that buildings from before the 4th century have only survived is they were made by cutting out rocks. No other buildings have survived. So this couldn’t be possible. The Taj Mahal was actually built in the 1600s.

After this, Oak revised his claim. Then he said that it was built in the year 1155, by Raja Paramardi Dev. By the Chief Minister of the Raja Dev. When history is so close to home, it doesn’t take long to be revised. In 1989, he wrote another pamphlet titled “Taj Mahal: The True Story”.

On the basis of his own pamphlet, he filed a PIL in the court in 2000 saying that we need to know the truth behind it. Interestingly, in court, he had also cited that Shah Jahan had acquired Raja Jai Singh’s palace. So he took one line from actual history, and the remaining part was fabricated by him with an active imagination.

To be honest, P.N. Oak could have been a brilliant fiction author. But for some reason, he chose to be a self-proclaimed historian. Supreme Court had dismissed his petition saying that it was a misconceived notion. The Supreme Court had even ridiculed him, saying that it seemed he was bitten by a bee.