ISRO vs NASA : The History And Future Of Space Race

ISRO vs NASA : In 1947, just 2 years after the end of World War II, tensions were increasing between America and the Soviet Union. Both countries emerged as Superpowers after the war, But there was a clash between their political ideologies. The heavy rivalry between the two was the start of a Cold War. Both countries were trying to develop their nuclear powers.

So both countries were developing intercontinental ballistic missiles. A missile that might be used to deliver nuclear weapons from one continent to the other. From America to the Soviet Union, or from the Soviet Union to America. To cover such long distances, these ICBMs had to launch a rocket into outer space. Both countries knew that if either country developed a technology which can get them into space, then the country would have a huge advantage in terms of weaponry.

That’s why both countries were in fierce competition for getting into space first. This was the start of a space race between the two. In 1955, America announced their plans of launching artificial satellites into space. Some days after this announcement, the Soviet Union said that they too wanted to launch artificial satellites.

Two years later, in October 1957, the Soviet Union surpassed America in this race. They made history by launching Sputnik. World’s first artificial satellite. One month later, they launched another satellite, Sputnik 2. This time, there was a living creature in the satellite, for the first time. A dog named Laika.

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