ISRO vs NASA : The History And Future Of Space Race

America caught up to the Soviet Union in January 1958, When they launched their first satellite, Explorer 1. The competition between the countries was so extreme, the motivation so high, that space technology was progressing rapidly. In the meanwhile, an Indian scientist, Dr Vikram Sarabhai, was quite inspired by the development of space technology.

Especially after the launch of Sputnik in 1957, he realised how important space development is for the development of a country. By 1962, he had convinced Jawaharlal Nehru, that India should have its own space program. this was the birth of ISRO.

Initially, ISRO was named, INCOSPAR Indian National Committee for Space Research. Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru set it up under the Department of Atomic Energy Dr Vikram Sarabhai was made the Chairman, and this is why Dr Sarabhai is now known as the Father of Indian Space Program. At the nascent stage, INCOSPAR had limited infrastructure and resources.

This is the reason behind the photos where you see rocket parts being transported on cycles and bullock carts. Similarly, INCOSPAR had to set up their control room in the room of a bishop at a church in some village in the middle of nowhere. There have also been cases where a toilet in Bengaluru, was repurposed to be a satellite data receiving centre. Due to the lack of resources, they had to think of alternative options a lot.

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