Monkey Man Mystery Of Delhi

On 5th April 2001, summer had already arrived in Uttar Pradesh‘s Ghaziabad. There used to be too many power cuts back then. Frequent power cuts. That’s why many people would sleep on the rooftops. Anil Gopal was one such man. He was sleeping on his rooftop on the night of 5th April. There was a gentle breeze and he was sleeping soundly.

But around 2AM, he was jolted awake, when he was being attacked. His arms and legs get scratched. Somehow, half-asleep, he manages to get away from his attacker. But since it was a dark night, he couldn’t see his attacker properly. All he saw was a monkey-like figure disappearing into the night.

What was it? What was the creature that attacked him? No idea. Over the next 2 weeks, nothing happened. And then on 18th April, there was another case in his neighborhood. A man named Vinod was sleeping on the rooftop, he was jolted awake at 3:15 AM. He was being attacked by someone. Vinod claims that due to the darkness, he couldn’t see his attacker, but it was a creature that looked like a monkey.

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