Monkey Man Mystery Of Delhi

Between April 2001 and May 2001, Delhi Police received about 100 calls, of people reporting to have been attacked by the Monkey-Man. The first few attacks were in Ghaziabad, After which reports started coming in from East Delhi, Noida, and eventually from the other areas in Delhi as well. There were more than 65 locations from where these calls had come in, where the attacks were reported. Each attack had the same story.

In the middle of the night, when people were sleeping on the roof, or outside their homes, Monkey-Man came and attacked them suddenly, and immediately disappeared into the night after that. Neither its footprints nor its traces were ever found. All that remained were scratches, injuries, and bite marks.

There was such widespread terror and fear due to Monkey-Man in Delhi, that 3 people lost their lives to it. When people believed Monkey-Man had come to their neighborhood, people would shout, “Monkey-Man is coming, run for your lives!”

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