Mystery Of Ancient Pyramids! How Were They Really Built?

About 4,500 years ago a wonder of the world was built in Egypt. One that continues to amaze people even today. The Great Pyramid Of Giza. With a height of 147 meters, this remained the tallest structure in the world for over 4,000 years. Heavy stones were used to build the pyramids, and it is said to weigh 6 million tones. Compared to the present-day tallest structure, the Burj Khalifa, which weighs a mere 500,000 tones.

The question that left people dumbstruck How was it built? Back then people didn’t have cranes, bulldozers, or modern technology. So much so, they didn’t even have wheels. Even so, they built a monument that still stands.

Can you imagine a structure standing for over 4,500 years, through the hot summers, storms, torrential rains, and weathering? There’s no other surviving structure as old as this and as big as this. How was this made possible?

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