Mystery Of Burj Khalifa : How Tall Can Humans Build?

Mystery Of Burj Khalifa : 6th January, 2004. Dubai’s sandy soil started being dug to build the tallest building in the world. Around the end of 2004, world’s tallest building was Taipei 101. Located in Taiwan, this building was a little over 500m tall. But the goal they set out to achieve in Dubai, was unimaginable and record-breaking. They wanted a building so tall that not only would it be the tallest building in the world but also be 62% taller than the second-tallest building.

The difference between the tallest and second tallest would discourage anyone attempting to break its record. Before Burj Khalifa, the previous world’s tallest buildings, were about 5%-10% taller than their predecessor. At most, 19% taller. But here, they were aiming to build it 829m tall a difference of 62%.

It took about 5.5 years to construct this building, and on 1st October 2009, the construction of the Burj al Khalifa ended, and this building left the world astounded. After the success of Burj Khalifa, several countries announced that they’ll build even taller buildings. Many attempted it. But till now, all plans have flopped. It has been more than 13 years, and till now, the record set by Burj Khalifa remains unbeaten.