Mystery Of Dinosaur : How Did They Become Extinct?

About 100 million years ago, Earth looked completely different. With no humans, some scary animals were ruling over this planet, Dinosaurs. Dinosaurs so big, that they were taller than buildings. With jaws so strong, that they could have crushed your bones within a second. They were so fast, that they ran at around the speed of 90km/hr. They were truly fear-arousing creatures.

They ruled over Earth for more than 170 million years. But then one day, something happened, That completely wiped them off the planet. What happened exactly? And how? Let’s understand this in today.

The word ‘Dinosaur’ originated from Greek. From the words Denios and Sauros. Denios means Terrible And Sauros means Lizard. A terrible lizard. This is the literal meaning of the word Dinosaur. The word was used for the first time in 1841. When dinosaur fossil was discovered for the first time.

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