Mystery Of Dinosaur : How Did They Become Extinct?

Richard Owen, a British scientist used the word dinosaur. Back then, people did not know much about dinosaurs or their appearance. So the initial drawings of how dinosaurs might have looked Are vastly different from what we know now. Megalosaurus was one of the first fossils to be discovered. Decades later, as the researchers discovered more information about them, The drawings were modified. Trying to make them more realistic. So the depictions look like this now.

Today, more than 10,000 dinosaur fossils have been unearthed by palaeontologists worldwide, And more than 900 distinct have been identified. You might be excited by the prospect of discovering more fossils. But interestingly, from 2003 to 2022, On average, each year, about 45 new species of dinosaurs have been identified. The work of palaeontologists is far from over.

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