Mystery Of Dinosaur : How Did They Become Extinct?

Acidification of the oceans started. When the carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide mixed with the water. The acidity of the ocean water increased. The climate was changing rapidly. And survival became difficult for the animals that existed. Most reptiles and other species back then were cold-blooded animals. They couldn’t withstand the temperature changes. But the dinosaurs were warm-blooded like humans.

It was easier for the dinosaurs to tolerate the temperature changes. The volcanic eruptions and climate change continued for about 600,000 years. Due to this, almost all the other species became extinct. The only animals remaining on Earth were the dinosaurs, crocodiles, turtles, and early mammals. This event is known as the Triassic-Jurassic Extinction Event.

As we said, after this, the Triassic period ended. And the Jurassic period began. If this sounds like a familiar name, This is the inspiration for the name of the Jurassic Park films. The word Jurassic refers to this Jurassic Period. The Jurassic period lasted from 201 million ago to 145 million years ago.

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