Mystery Of NASA Columbia Space Disaster 

On the other hand, Mission Commander Rick Husband was answering that suddenly the line gets cut. They only hear one word from him, “Roger”. His answer remained unfinished. Charlie Hobaugh tries to establish communication again, but there was no answer from the other side. Ten minutes pass. The attempts continued, but there was still no answer from the other side.

This NASA team in the Space Center was unaware that there was an explosion in the Columbia Space Shuttle. A few minutes later, the Kennedy Space Center gets a call. “Switch on the TV and watch the news.” Such scenes were seen on the news.

Some people looked up at the sky and this is what they could see. As if a comet was falling to the ground. A blazing light. It broke apart into two, and broke into more pieces. The scattered pieces of this blazing light, were falling to the ground.

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