Mystery Of Titan Submarine! What Actually Happened?

In our case, this support ship was the Polar Prince. This entire operation was run by a company called OceanGate, whose CEO was Stockton Rush. Remember their name because he plays an important role in the story. By profession, he had been an aerospace engineer. And in 2009, he founded the OceanGate company. A private company whose purpose was to take rich people on deep sea expeditions as tourism.

This company started offering Titanic tours in July 2021. Before this, they offered tours of other ship wrecks and areas. As you can still see on their website, apart from the Titanic, there were expeditions to Azores and Bahamas. Titan was not the only submersible of this company. Apart from this, Ocean Gate had two other submersibles, Antipodes and Cyclops.

Antipodes could go up to a depth of 304 m, and Cyclops up to 500 m. But Titan was designed to go down 4,000 m. 4 km underwater. This is why this was the only submersible to go to the Titanic. To visualize the frightening depth of 3,800 m, look at this chart created by The Washington Post.

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