Mystery Of Titan Submarine! What Actually Happened?

Measurements are in feet here. Normally, a man’s height is 6 feet. The iceberg that collided with the Titanic was 100 feet above the surface of the water and several times that underwater. 130 feet is the maximum depth that recreational scuba divers can go to while scuba diving.

After 650 feet, a twilight zone area starts where only a small amount of light
can penetrate the depths of the water. 1,600 feet was the depth of the deepest-ever underwater rescue operation conducted to date. 2,600 feet is the depth where giant squids swim. Giant squids are so scary that they look like they have come from an alien planet. Look at the photos.

If you go further down, a midnight zone starts after 3,800 feet. No sunlight reaches below this mark. Everything turns black after this. The water temperature here is around 4°C. Now, if you go further down from here, 5,000 feet, 6,000 feet, 8,000 feet, 10,000 feet, and then you finally reach 12,500 feet, here is the ocean floor, where the Titanic wreck is lying. The pressure at this depth is almost 400 times the pressure on the surface.

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