Mystery Of World’s Oldest Human!

Mystery Of World’s Oldest Human : In 1875, a girl was born in the small town of Arles, France. Jeanne Louise Calment. It was a time when cars and airplanes were not yet invented. People used to travel by horse-drawn carriages. People used candles to light their homes. At this time, no human being in the world would have even dreamt that this girl would make history. She will live such a long life such a long life that she will break all the world records.

In 1889, Louise was only 14 years old when the Eiffel Tower was built in Paris. In 1896, when Louise got married at the age of 21, Mahatma Gandhi had just moved to South Africa. By the way, Mahatma Gandhi was only 6 years older than Lewis. Fast forward to 1914, when Louise was only 29 years old, and was living a happily married life and had a daughter.

A huge explosion shook Europe. World War I began. In 1934, when Hitler’s rise was being seen in Germany, there was an unfortunate tragedy in Louise’s family. Her daughter died of a lung infection. She was 59 years old then, 59 is an age when most women have become grandmothers. But Louise herself would have never imagined that her life was not even half complete.

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