What Are the Best Mystery Thriller Movies to Watch?

When it comes to mystery thriller movies, there are plenty of options to choose from. From suspenseful classics to popular new releases, these films are designed to keep you on the edge of your seat. Whether you’re a fan of psychological thrillers, murder mysteries, or whodunits, there is something for everyone. In this article, we will explore the best mystery thriller movies that you should add to your watchlist.

Key Takeaways : Mystery Thriller Movies

  • Discover the top mystery thriller movies to add to your watchlist.
  • Explore the suspenseful classics that have become iconic in the genre.
  • Uncover the hidden gems and underrated thrillers that deserve recognition.
  • Learn about international mysteries and foreign language thrillers.
  • Find out why mystery thriller movies offer a unique mix of suspense and intrigue.

Alfred Hitchcock Classics

Alfred Hitchcock is known as the master of suspense, and his classic movies have become iconic in the mystery genre. Films such as “Psycho,” “Rear Window,” and “Vertigo” are must-watch thrillers that have stood the test of time. Hitchcock’s ability to create tension and draw audiences into his stories is unmatched, making his films some of the best mystery movies ever made.

Film Title Year Genre
Pyscho 1960 Mystery, Thriller
Rear Window 1954 Mystery, Thriller
Vertigo 1958 Mystery, Thriller

Alfred Hitchcock’s films continue to captivate audiences with their suspenseful storytelling, unforgettable characters, and masterful direction. From the iconic shower scene in “Psycho” to the voyeuristic intrigue of “Rear Window,” Hitchcock’s classic movies have left an indelible mark on the mystery genre. These films are not only thrilling but also showcase the director’s innovative techniques and ability to create an atmosphere of suspense that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.

Twists and Turns: M. Night Shyamalan Films

M. Night Shyamalan is a renowned filmmaker known for his masterful storytelling and ability to create suspense in his films. His unique style of weaving psychological thrillers with unexpected twists and turns has captivated audiences worldwide. Shyamalan’s movies, such as “The Sixth Sense,” “Signs,” and “Split,” are prime examples of his mastery in the mystery and thriller genre.

One of Shyamalan’s signature trademarks is his skill in delivering twist endings that leave viewers in awe. Every plot twist is carefully crafted to keep audiences guessing until the very end, making his films a thrilling and suspenseful experience. His ability to create tension and build anticipation throughout the narrative sets him apart as a filmmaker.

“The Sixth Sense” is a prime example of Shyamalan’s brilliance in crafting a psychological thriller with a mind-bending twist. The film follows a child psychologist played by Bruce Willis as he tries to help a young boy who claims he can see ghosts. The twist ending not only shocks viewers but also adds a new layer of depth and meaning to the entire story.

Shyamalan’s films often fall into the subgenre of psychological thrillers, where the focus is on exploring the human mind and the intricacies of the characters’ psychological states. The suspense and mystery are heightened by delving into the characters’ psyche, blurring the line between reality and perception.

Another film that showcases Shyamalan’s brilliance is “Split,” which follows a man with dissociative identity disorder who kidnaps three teenage girls. With each personality taking control, the film keeps audiences on the edge of their seats, wondering what will happen next. The climactic twist in “Split” connects it to another Shyamalan film, “Unbreakable,” revealing an unexpected shared universe and leaving fans hungry for more.

Ultimately, M. Night Shyamalan’s films have become synonymous with thrilling plot twists, suspenseful storytelling, and psychological depth. His ability to surprise and engage audiences with his unique narratives sets him apart as a filmmaker in the mystery and thriller genre. If you’re a fan of twist endings, suspenseful plots, and psychological thrillers, Shyamalan’s films are a must-watch.

M. Night Shyamalan Films

Whodunits and Crime Thrillers

The whodunit subgenre of mystery thrillers puts the audience right in the heart of the investigation. These films are all about solving a crime, as we try to piece together the clues and identify the guilty party. It’s a thrilling ride that keeps us guessing until the very end.

Movies like “Gone Girl,” “Se7en,” and “Knives Out” fall into this category, providing suspenseful stories filled with unexpected twists and turns. In these films, complex characters, intricate plotlines, and satisfying resolutions drive the narrative as the detective uncovers the truth.

“Gone Girl” is a gripping crime thriller that delves into the dark secrets of a troubled marriage. The investigation takes us on a rollercoaster ride of suspense and deception, with a shocking twist that will leave you speechless.

In “Se7en,” two detectives track down a serial killer who selects his victims based on the seven deadly sins. The cat-and-mouse chase escalates to a nail-biting conclusion, showcasing the depths of human depravity.

“Knives Out” is a modern take on the classic whodunit, where a renowned detective investigates the mysterious death of a wealthy crime novelist. With a star-studded cast and a cleverly crafted plot, this film combines humor and suspense to keep audiences engaged until the very end.

These crime thrillers engage our detective instincts, challenging us to solve the puzzle alongside the characters on screen. They explore the darker side of human nature, revealing the secrets and motives that lurk beneath the surface.

Crime Thriller Table

Movie Director Main Cast
Gone Girl David Fincher Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, Neil Patrick Harris
Se7en David Fincher Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, Kevin Spacey
Knives Out Rian Johnson Daniel Craig, Ana de Armas, Chris Evans

These crime thrillers have captivated audiences with their intricate narratives, compelling characters, and suspenseful storytelling. They remind us that in the world of mystery movies, the truth isn’t always what it seems, and everyone is a potential suspect.

whodunit image

Modern Masterpieces: Recent Mystery Thriller Movies

In recent years, the world of mystery thriller movies has seen a surge in recent releases that have captivated audiences with their gripping stories, strong performances, and atmospheric suspense. These modern masterpieces showcase the evolution of the mystery thriller genre, offering a compelling mix of psychological suspense, detective work, and thrilling narratives. From intense psychological journeys to intricate crime-solving tales, these films have solidified their place as top mysteries and modern thrillers. Let’s delve into three recent mystery releases that have left a lasting impact.

“Shutter Island”

Shutter Island is a psychological thriller directed by Martin Scorsese and based on the novel by Dennis Lehane. This suspense film follows U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, as he investigates the disappearance of a patient from a mental institution. Set in the 1950s, the movie creates an eerie and foreboding atmosphere, blurring the lines between reality and illusion. With its clever twists, stunning visuals, and DiCaprio’s captivating performance, Shutter Island is undoubtedly one of the top mystery thrillers of recent years.


Prisoners is a gripping crime thriller directed by Denis Villeneuve. The film revolves around the search for two abducted girls and the desperate measures taken by their families to find them. With a stellar cast that includes Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Viola Davis, Prisoners takes viewers on a suspenseful and morally complex journey. The movie’s atmospheric cinematography, meticulous storytelling, and powerful performances make it a standout in the genre and a must-watch for fans of modern mysteries and thrillers.

“The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”

Based on the best-selling novel by Stieg Larsson, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is a riveting psychological suspense film directed by David Fincher. The story follows journalist Mikael Blomkvist, played by Daniel Craig, as he teams up with computer hacker Lisbeth Salander, portrayed by Rooney Mara, to unravel a disturbing mystery. With its gritty atmosphere, complex characters, and intricate plot, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo keeps viewers on the edge of their seats throughout. This modern adaptation is a testament to the enduring popularity of detective stories and the psychological suspense that captivates audiences.

recent mystery releases

In conclusion, recent mystery releases have brought forth a new wave of modern masterpieces in the thriller genre. Films like Shutter Island, Prisoners, and The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo offer gripping stories, intense performances, and a blend of psychological suspense and detective work. These movies exemplify the heights that the mystery thriller genre can reach, captivating audiences with their stunning visuals, intricate narratives, and unforgettable twists. Whether you’re a fan of suspense films, detective stories, or psychological thrillers, these recent mystery releases are sure to leave you on the edge of your seat.

Iconic Characters: Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot

Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot are two legendary detectives who have made their mark in the world of mystery films and adaptations. Created by Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Holmes has been brilliantly portrayed by esteemed actors like Robert Downey Jr. and Benedict Cumberbatch, captivating audiences with his brilliance and deductive reasoning.

On the other hand, Hercule Poirot, the creation of Agatha Christie, has been masterfully brought to life by talents such as David Suchet and Kenneth Branagh. Poirot’s meticulous attention to detail and unique personality have made him a beloved character in the mystery genre.

Both Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot have become household names, symbolizing the epitome of detective work in mystery films. Their cases, filled with intriguing murder mysteries and complex puzzles, have enchanted audiences for decades.

These iconic characters have left an indelible impact on the world of cinema, shaping and defining the detective genre. With their unparalleled wit, charm, and intelligence, Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot continue to inspire new generations of sleuths and captivate viewers with their captivating adventures.

The Detective Duo in Film

“Elementary, my dear Watson.” – Sherlock Holmes

“Poirot, I demand the truth!” – Hercule Poirot

Throughout the years, Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot have graced the silver screen in numerous adaptations and films. From classic black and white interpretations to modern-day reimaginings, these iconic characters have been brought to life with remarkable performances.

Robert Downey Jr.’s portrayal of Sherlock Holmes in the 2009 film directed by Guy Ritchie brought a fresh, action-packed take on the character, blending Victorian intrigue with thrilling adventure. Benedict Cumberbatch’s portrayal of Holmes in the BBC television series “Sherlock” introduced a modern twist to the detective, captivating audiences with his brilliance.

Meanwhile, David Suchet’s portrayal of Hercule Poirot in the long-running television series “Agatha Christie’s Poirot” showcased the detective’s charming eccentricities and unmatched investigative prowess. Kenneth Branagh’s portrayal of Poirot in the 2017 film adaptation of “Murder on the Orient Express” brought a star-studded cast and a visually stunning reimagining of the classic mystery.

With their distinctive personalities and unparalleled detective skills, Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot have become iconic figures in the mystery film genre, leaving audiences eagerly awaiting their next thrilling adventure.

Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot

Inspiring Detectives Everywhere

The enduring popularity of Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot serves as a testament to the timeless appeal of detective stories. Their ability to solve intricate murder cases and unravel complex mysteries continues to captivate audiences around the world.

Furthermore, the enduring legacy of these iconic characters has inspired countless other fictional detectives in literature, film, and television. Whether it’s the brilliant mind of Patrick Jane in “The Mentalist” or the enigmatic charm of Adrian Monk in “Monk,” Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot have set the standard for detective storytelling.

As audiences continue to be enthralled by the enigmatic world of crime-solving, the names Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot will forever be synonymous with the thrill and excitement of the mystery genre.

Hidden Gems and Underrated Thrillers

While the classics and blockbusters often dominate the conversation around mystery thrillers, there are many hidden gems and underrated films that deserve recognition. These lesser-known movies offer a unique and refreshing take on suspense films, providing audiences with captivating stories and unexpected twists. Exploring these hidden suspense movies can be a rewarding experience, allowing you to discover intriguing narratives beyond the mainstream. Here are a few examples of hidden gems and underrated thrillers that should be on your radar:

The Nice Guys

Directed by Shane Black, “The Nice Guys” is a hidden gem that combines comedy, crime, and mystery to deliver an entertaining and gripping experience. Set in 1970s Los Angeles, the film follows a private investigator and a hired enforcer who must work together to solve the case of a missing girl. With a clever script, excellent performances by Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe, and a compelling mystery at its core, “The Nice Guys” is a must-watch for fans of underrated thrillers.

A Simple Favor

“A Simple Favor” is a stylish and suspenseful film directed by Paul Feig. Starring Anna Kendrick and Blake Lively, the movie tells the story of a mommy vlogger who becomes entangled in a dark and twisted mystery when her best friend suddenly disappears. With its intriguing plot twists, charismatic performances, and stylish visuals, “A Simple Favor” offers a fresh take on the thriller genre and proves to be an underrated gem.


Directed by Christopher Nolan, “Memento” is a mind-bending thriller that keeps audiences guessing from beginning to end. The film follows Leonard, a man with short-term memory loss, who uses tattoos and Polaroid photographs to piece together the truth behind his wife’s murder. With its non-linear narrative structure and thought-provoking exploration of memory and identity, “Memento” is a hidden gem that showcases Nolan’s mastery of suspenseful storytelling.

These hidden gems and underrated thrillers are just a glimpse into the vast landscape of lesser-known movies that offer suspense, mystery, and unforgettable storytelling. Exploring these hidden suspense movies can be a rewarding experience, allowing you to discover new favorites and expand your appreciation for the genre.

Hidden Gems and Underrated Thrillers

Movie Director Genre
The Nice Guys Shane Black Comedy, Crime, Mystery
A Simple Favor Paul Feig Mystery, Thriller
Memento Christopher Nolan Mystery, Thriller

International Mysteries: Foreign Language Thrillers

The mystery thriller genre extends beyond American cinema, offering a plethora of intriguing and suspenseful foreign language films. These captivating movies from different cultures provide a fresh perspective and showcase unique storytelling styles. Among the most renowned are South Korean thrillers, which have garnered international acclaim for their expertly crafted suspense and gripping narratives.

One standout example is “Oldboy,” directed by Park Chan-wook. This film tells the story of Oh Dae-su, a man mysteriously imprisoned for 15 years before being released, setting off on a quest for revenge against his captor. The mind-bending plot, coupled with intense action sequences, has made it a cult favorite among fans of suspense films.

Another must-watch South Korean thriller is “Memories of Murder” by Bong Joon-ho. Based on true events, the film follows two detectives as they attempt to solve a series of brutal murders in a small town. “Memories of Murder” masterfully blends mystery, drama, and dark humor, immersing viewers in a suspenseful and thought-provoking story.

Exploring foreign language thrillers not only adds diversity to your movie repertoire, but it also introduces you to different cultural perspectives and storytelling techniques. These international mysteries offer a refreshing change from the familiar tropes of American cinema, keeping you on the edge of your seat with their captivating narratives and unpredictable twists.

Foreign Language Thrillers

Whether you’re a fan of suspense, intrigue, or simply enjoy exploring the richness of diverse cultures, foreign language thrillers provide a thrilling and immersive cinematic experience. The next time you’re in the mood for a mystery, consider venturing into the world of international mysteries and immerse yourself in the captivating narratives crafted by talented filmmakers from around the globe.

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Mystery thriller movies offer a unique mix of suspense, intrigue, and excitement that keep audiences coming back for more. From classic Hitchcock films to modern masterpieces, there is a wide variety of options to choose from. Whether you enjoy unraveling complex whodunits, following iconic detectives, or delving into international mysteries, the world of mystery thriller movies has something to offer everyone. So grab some popcorn, dim the lights, and get ready to uncover the secrets and suspense of the best mystery thriller movies.


Q: What are some of the best mystery thriller movies to watch in 2022?

A: Some highly recommended mystery thriller movies to watch in 2022 include “Gone Girl,” “Murder Mystery,” and “Knives Out.”

Q: How can I find the top mystery movies of all time on Rotten Tomatoes?

A: To discover the top mystery movies of all time on Rotten Tomatoes, you can visit the “Mystery” genre section on the website and sort the movies by highest ratings.

Q: Who are some actors known for their performances in murder mystery movies?

A: Some talented actors known for their performances in murder mystery movies are Mark Ruffalo, Daniel Kaluuya, and Christopher Plummer.

Q: What are some of the best murder mystery movies available on Netflix?

A: Some of the best murder mystery movies currently available on Netflix include “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo,” “Mystic River,” and “Zodiac.”

Q: How do I find the top detective Benoit Blanc movies on IMDb?

A: To find the top movies featuring detective Benoit Blanc on IMDb, you can search for the character name and browse the list of films he appears in.

Q: What are some thriller elements commonly found in murder mystery movies?

A: Thriller elements commonly found in murder mystery movies include suspenseful pacing, plot twists, red herrings, and a focus on solving a perplexing crime.

Q: In which movie does a character become the prime suspect in a murder?

A: The movie “The Fugitive” features a storyline where the protagonist becomes the prime suspect in a murder he did not commit, leading to a thrilling pursuit for the truth.

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