CDS Bipin Rawat Helicopter Crash ! The Real Reason

CDS Bipin Rawat Helicopter Crash ! The Real Reason
Bipin Rawat: On 8th December, in a very tragic incident, a military helicopter crashed near Coonoor, Tamil Nadu. Because of ...
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North Korea Bans Laughing! 

North Korea Bans Laughing!
Can you imagine? Laughing has now been banned in North Korea. It doesn’t seem believable. That even in this time ...
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How English Became World’s Most Powerful Language?  

How English Became World's Most Powerful Language? 
Have you ever wondered why English is such a popular language? Why are you expected to know English if you ...
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Ukraine vs Russia Crisis ! Danger Of WW3?

Ukraine vs Russia Crisis ! Danger Of WW3?
Ukraine vs Russia Crisis: For the past few weeks, it is being reported that a war may break out between ...
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Marriage Age For Women : At 21yrs Good Or Bad? 

Marriage Age For Women : At 21yrs Good Or Bad? 
Recently, the Cabinet passed a proposal, to increase the minimum age of marriage for women from 18 to 21 years ...
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Bhopal Gas Tragedy : Who was Responsible?

Bhopal Gas Tragedy : Who was Responsible?
Bhopal Gas: In December 1984, at an insecticide manufacturing factory in Bhopal, some workers were at work. It was nearly ...
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James Webb Space Telescope : Can It Time Travel? 

James Webb Space Telescope : Can It Time Travel? 
The biggest and the most powerful space telescope in the world, was launched by NASA. It’s named the James Webb ...
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How Metaverse Works? Secrets Of Metaverse 

How Metaverse Works? Secrets Of Metaverse 
Metaverse: Imagine you meet with your family members or your friends, but not really, rather in a virtual 3D world. ...
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World’s First Flying Car Invented In Slovakia!

World’s First Flying Car Invented In Slovakia!
World’s First Flying Car: About 60 or 70 years ago, when people were asked to imagine how the year 2020 ...
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How Jeff Bezos Made Amazon A $1.6 Trillion company? Business Model Of Amazon

How Jeff Bezos Made Amazon A $1.6 Trillion company? Business Model Of Amazon
In the year 1994, Jeff Bezos left his cushy investment banking job, to work on his startup. Internet was blowing ...
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