Mystery Of Red Plague : Invention Of World’s First Vaccine

Invention Of World’s First Vaccine : For 3,000 years, a deadly virus had caused havoc on Earth. The disease inflicted by this virus was so painful and dangerous, that a person contaminated had a 30% chance of dying. 1 in every 3 persons infected died due to it. The people who survived got permanent scars on their bodies. Their faces were scarred forever. There were huge spots on the face. And many were permanently blinded.

When this disease spread in Japan in 1735, It wiped out one-third of Japan’s population. When the European colonizers took this disease to Mexico and America, in the 1500s, 90% of the Native Tribal population there perished. In the 18th century, every seventh child born in Russia, was killed because of this disease. Many empires and civilizations were wiped out from history by this. It is estimated that this virus took 5 million lives each year. In 100 years, it amounted to 500 million deaths. Half a billion people were killed.

The recent Covid-19 pandemic, looks like a joke when compared to this disease. It has been given many names throughout history. Speckled Monster, the Red Plague, Pox. In India, it was known as Mata Lagna. [Being afflicted by the Goddess.] But perhaps the most common name for this was Smallpox.

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