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Toggle20th July 1969,
The Lunar Module of the Apollo 11 mission landed on the moon. Astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were in it. After the landing, Neil Armstrong tried to open the door, to get down on the moon. It wasn’t easy opening this door, due to high pressure, but he successfully opened it after a little struggle. Then he tried to get down to the moon in his heavy spacesuit.
The exit wasn’t spacious so by mistake, he hit the top, and a piece of the Lunar Module broke off. Neither of them was aware of this because of the lack of air. The sound didn’t travel. They didn’t hear any sound. But this broken piece was very crucial. It was the Assent Engine Arming Switch. Without this switch, their Lunar Module couldn’t take off again, and they couldn’t return to Earth.
Unaware of this, Neil Armstrong got out and stepped on the moon’s surface. He became the first man to step on the moon.
“One small step for man,
one giant leap for mankind.” – By NASA